Los nuchus son nuestros hermanos y hermanas mayores - guerreros y guardianes - que cuidan nuestros hogares y a la gente de los espíritus malignos. Son seres inmortales, representados en madera tallada, que se encuentran en los rincones de cada casa Kuna. Nuchus are our older brothers and sisters - warriors and guardians - who protect our homes and our people from evil spirits. They are immortal beings, represented in carved wood, found in the corners of every Kuna home.
Nuchus are our older brothers and sisters - warriors and guardians - who protect our homes and our people from evil spirits. They are immortal beings, represented in carved wood, found in the corners of every Kuna home.
El Espíritu del Nuchu
The Spirit of the Nuchu
Nuchu Burba
En la Hamaca
In The Hammock
Guardian de los sueños
Guardian of Dreams
Gabed Edardeb
Nuchu con Alas Tortuga
Nuchu with Wings like Turtles
Nuchu Yauk Sakanyobi
Nuchu conversando con la Sra. del Tiempo
Nuchu Conversing With Madame Time
Nuchu Ome Ibagan Ibedbo Sunmake
Guardian de la 4ta dimensión
Guardian of the Fourth Dimension
Pil-li pakegi Neg Edarbed
Círculo de la Vida
Circle of Life
Neg Dirbiled Dulad
Por la Noche
In the Night
Nuchu Ayúdame
Nuchu Help Me
Nuchu Be Anbentake
El surgir del Nuchu de la 4ta Dimension Nuchu Arising from the Fourth Dimension
Espíritus de la Tierra
Spirits From the Earth
Señora Nuchu Mrs. Nuchu
Mi Canoa Roja My Red Canoe